
LIMINAL GRAPHICS | features in Desktop Magazine

Posted 24 May 2013

Liminal Graphics was invited by Desktop to create a psychogeographic map of Hobart. The concept of psychogeography was developed by French philosopher Guy Debord in 1955 and refers to the practice of traversing the urban environment while being led by curiosity rather than following a set traditional path.

News _ Liminal Graphics, desktop, feature

 News _ Liminal Graphics, desktop, feature 2

 We rallied the troops and sent them to drift in the wilds of Hobart. Armed only with a 78 cent packet of colour pencils from Shiploads, and a delicately handcrafted journal, they were instructed to take back-alleys, follow scents, jaywalk and journey through the city in a way they hadn’t done before (which is a little tricky in Hobart).
As they returned from their adventures, two ‘extraordinarily ordinary journeys’ of Hobart emerged. The first is how the city and its suburbs wrap to fit the hilly breathing space between the Mountain and the River. The other is the fact there is no ‘six degrees of separation’ here... instead you will know everyone via just one degree, it’s just a matter of how long it takes to make the connection.

Check it out the May issue of Desktop and see how the other cities responded to the brief.